old fence post

The old fence post.

Nothing else is here to remind of me of days gone by- but the memories in my mind are strong. ⁣

The metal slide used to be right there- we used to sit on wax paper so we could go faster. ⁣

Mr. And Mrs. Greer lived next door and the trees that are no more. ⁣

The front patio where my grandpa would leave me my favorite doughnuts. He would act surprised when he caught me “stealing” one- which was always followed by a wink. ⁣

The junior high school friends all piled on the trampoline during the 4th of July parties that were so big-there were people in the front and back yard. ⁣

My brother marrying his best friend. ⁣

Memories flush through me.

Grateful for that old post- had me sit and remember. ⁣



“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph of it.” ⁣– Nelson Mandela⁣


solo journey reflection 2020